

Thursday 15 December 2016

"Kami Sid" becomes the First Transgender Model of Pakistan:

Many people already know Kami Sid as an activist who has worked tirelessly for the transgender community in Pakistan.The social worker has now decided to step into the fashion world and become Pakistan's first transgender model. In a photo shoot by Waqar J Khan, Sid Kami looks poised and elegant."When Waqar, who is also a friend of mine, approached me to do the shoot, I was totally on board but unsure about how it would do. I just feel it's a great platform and opportunity for me to not only explore my talents but also represent the transgender community with dignity in front of mainstream society," shares Kami.
"If I'll get more opportunities to represent myself in fashion shoots or weeks, like Mukhtaran Mai, I'll definitely avail them. The transgender community has remained backstage for too long, doing makeup or other errands. By now we should be able to come forward and let people know that we too are a force to be reckoned with."Kami reveals that although her dream wasn't to become a model, it will help the transgender community for her to appear in mainstream media

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